Blue Grass Band, this Sunday Service! Come join the fun!

Come as a stranger, leave as a friend

Missions Board

We are committed to serving our community by supporting and partnering with local, national, and international organizations toward alleviating hunger and the multitude of needs of those less fortunate.

Drive-Thru Café

  • One Sunday from September through June we serve about 50 meals-to-go, to people identified by the Marlborough Food Bank.
  • Volunteers use a recipe of their choice to prepare a specified entrée and bring this to the church kitchen. Here, they prepare side dishes and package up the hot meals to-go. This takes a bit over 2 hours.
  • There is always leftover food and the opportunity to sit down and enjoy a meal and fellowship afterwards.

Marlborough Food Bank

  • Non-perishable food is needed year-round.  A collection basket is in the narthex.
  • Other needed items (baking dishes, queen-sized sheets, etc.) are periodically identified and can be taken directly to the Food Bank. 

Quarterly Giving

  • Blue “Mission” envelopes are in the pews and can be used to support the following programs:
    • Marlborough Food Bank – 1st Quarter
    • AHM Community Mental Health Fund – 2nd Quarter
      • Andover, Hebron, Marlborough Youth and Family Services: Community Mental Health Fund 
    • Community Partners in Action (CPA) (York Resettlement Program) – 3rd Quarter
      • Serving thousands of adults and youth each year, CPA focuses on behavioral change and advocates for criminal justice reform. Their programs promote Recovery, Restoration, and Responsibility.
    • Christian Activities Council and Hartford East Scholarship Fund – 4th Quarter

4 Giving

An appeal for donations that support four great United Church of Christ causes

  • Neighbors in Need grants support ministries of justice and compassion throughout the U.S. and Puerto Rico, encouraging improved wages, benefits, and working conditions for low-wage workers and promoting economic development at the community level.
  • One Great Hour of Sharing has helped thousands of homeless, hungry and traumatized people through its emergency relief and refugee ministries, health, education, agricultural development, and international and domestic disaster response programs.
  • The Christmas Fund supports retired ministers and their widows/widowers in times of financial stress through Christmas gift checks, supplementary health benefits, and annuity augmentation.
  • Strengthen the Church supports UCC Conferences and local ministries in leadership development for new and revitalizing congregations and for the whole church, and programs for youth and young adults.

St. Vincent de Paul Sunday Meal

  • Once a year, we organize and provide a hot Sunday meal at the St Vincent de Paul Soup Kitchen in Middletown.
  • Volunteers are needed in three areas; food donations, meal preparation in the church kitchen, and serving the meal at the Soup Kitchen.
  • Monetary donations are greatly appreciated.

Winter Gloves, Hats and Socks Drive

  • We collect gloves, hats and socks for distribution by St Vincent de Paul.

Blanket and Hygiene Kits (Church World Services)

  • Church World Services delivers thousands of blankets and hygiene kits around the world
  • Our response to this event will reach families fleeing their homes, recovering from disaster and more.  

Birthday Bags

  • Our church provides a birthday bag for children of Marlborough Food Bank clients whose birthdays are January through April. 

Summer Harvest Sunday

  • Bring in the abundance of your gardens or produce purchased from a store or farmer’s market and the church school children will help deliver it to the Marlborough Food Bank and learn what the Food Bank does.