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Historian’s Hangout – May 2024

Greetings, All!

                  As you may have noticed, there was not a Historian’s Hangout for April. I was quite busy wrapping up this spring term in seminary, so I didn’t get to nearly as much as I wanted to. However, that does not mean that historical work wasn’t happening…on the contrary, in the next month or two, some of that work will be out for you to see!

Here’s what’s going on:

  • I’m currently looking for a place to re-home the display case in the balcony, so everyone gets a chance to view the contents. Once that is done, rotation of some old and really cool historical items will be displayed for all to see!
  • This month I will (hopefully) get some old pictures hung up, so keep an eye out as May moves on!
  • The Item Inventory team has been working on itemizing and creating a list of our books and historical belongings, which will be available digitally when that work is completed. There is a lot to go through, so that will take time. I’ll keep you updated!
  • The book has hit a snag…namely, it is going to cost more money than it needs to SO…I will be updating that so it will be available digitally this summer (there may be a print option if you want to have it that way)!

I’d love some help with:

As always, if you would like to share your story or any story of our little church, let us know and we will have a chat!

Is there something new we could learn about the church or an event in the life of the church which has so moved you? What changes can we talk about which would be awesome to know about?

What has kept you coming back?

What do you think folks ought to know when they walk through our yellow doors for the first time? Tell the interview team about it! The sign-up sheet is on the Guest Center table in the hallway leading from the Sanctuary to the Lounge. Sign up any time or just let me know via email or in person!

I am currently working to create some “Pastor Profiles” for our website.               

Here’s my ask for this month: While photos of Pastor Val and our two previous pastors (Pastor Bob and Pastor Ameling) are and were photographed regularly, I wonder…do we have pictures of pastors from before which you wouldn’t mind sharing? Anything is great, including pictures from outside events, preaching, mission work, baptisms, weddings, etc. I would love to make sure that anything I write up is accompanied by a picture. Face/name recognition at its finest! Please send them to the church address c/o Historian or share them to the email below!

Anyhow, big summer is coming jup, folks! I can’t wait for everyone to be able to see so many of our amazing artifacts and documents. It’s on the way! I hope you all have a wonderful May!  I’m History!

Steve Pozzato

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