Blue Grass Band, this Sunday Service! Come join the fun!

Come as a stranger, leave as a friend


Music is an integral part of our services. There is nothing like music to help center yourself for worship, fill your heart, and reinforce the message of a sermon. From contemporary and traditional hymns led by the Chancel Choir, to the heavenly sound of the Bell Choir, to the toe tapping fun of Joyful Blue, there is something for everyone to enjoy every Sunday morning.

Chancel Choir

The Chancel Choir sings at most services, September through June. The repertoire is a mix of contemporary and traditional anthems. The annual Christmas Cantata, which is a mix of songs, along with a narration of the Christmas story, is one of the highlights of the holiday season. The choir rehearses on Thursdays at 7pm. All who love singing are welcome to join. Led by Music Director Dave Mulligan.

Bell Choir

The Bell Choir is a lovely addition to our worship, ringing several times a year at Sunday Services.  Rehearsals are scheduled as needed on Thursdays at 6pm. No musical experience required.

Led by Music Director Dave Mulligan.

Bell Choir

Joyful Blue

Bluegrass is the genre at the heart of this “Choir”. It features everything you would expect in a bluegrass band:  guitar, mandolin, bass, banjo, and harmonica. From traditional bluegrass, to “bluegrassed-up” hymns, to contemporary rock/gospel anthems, you’ll be up on your feet and shoutin’ out a “Yee-Ha!” once a month on Bluegrass Sundays.

Led by Carolyn Brodginski

Joyful Blue Playing
Dancing to Joyful Blue

Individual Contributors

We are blessed to have a musical congregation, many of whom are happy to share their gifts with us each month.

Tenor Sax
Celtic Harp