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Come as a stranger, leave as a friend


We come together on Sunday (at 10:00 AM) to thank God for His helping us move creatively through the week that just ended and to ask Him for continued guidance in the new week that is beginning.

Worship is at the center of our church family life, and with the addition of online streaming, now reaches beyond the meeting house with weekly online services.

We recognize the value and meaning of laughter as well as the importance of tears – and we regularly share both with one another during our shared worship.

Sunday School classes and nursery-age care are available during worship – although we welcome parents and children to worship as families if they wish.

Good music, includes a Chancel Choir, Bell Choir, and monthly Blue Grass Sundays with Joyful Blue leading hymns. Caring, and thought provoking sermons, caring prayers, and the sharing of our sorrows and our joys give us renewed strength and zeal to go out into the world seeking to be God’s heart and hands.