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Please read: Jeremiah 17:5-10 & Luke 6:17-26
- What are the similarities and differences– in the structure, in the wording? (There are SEVERAL things that can be touched on here- I am sure you all will come up ones I haven’t caught yet!
- In Jeremiah, God says, “The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure.” What are your thoughts on that? Do you agree/disagree and why?
- In what ways are you ” like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream”?
- Why does Jesus bring up the “woes”? Do you find the reasoning for Jesus’s “woes” to be different than the reasoning for the Lord’s “cursed”?
- The Blessings and Woes are very straightforward, cut and dry- life, and people, however, are not. How would you rewrite the Blessings to acknowledge this? How would you rewrite the Woes?
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