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Come as a stranger, leave as a friend

Happy March, all! It feels as though this year is flying on by quickly, and with that, we are getting closer to making some big moves in history this spring! While I’m still waiting for quotes on our first little book, I am confident we will have some history in written form happening very quickly.

Interviews have been happening to hear the stories from our congregation, photos are being brought into the digital world (and there will be news on that front next month), items for the website are being wrapped up, and old contracts, deeds, and other papers are being sorted through to better (and more efficiently) tell our stories over the past hundred years.

Not to mention….the digitization of bulletins and the old Hilltop Echoes will be coming next, but will take time. There are a LOT of them! Some may be missing as well, so I’d like this to be an open call, really. Since they began in 1936, most of the Hilltop Echoes (then called Unto the Hills) have resided in private collections. I would like to request the following: if you or your family has any of the of Unto the Hills from any time from 1936-1970, and if you are willing to loan them to the church for a short period of time, please send them c/o Historian or hand them to me. They will remain under lock and key in the church building itself and I will return your documents to you as quickly as possible. With your help, we will be able to have a more complete digital catalogue of our Hilltop Echoes/Unto the Hills newsletters. Thank you in advance!

I would also like to request anyone who has frame-making knowledge or ability to get a hold of me at the email below. We have several documents that ought to be framed, but are not standard sizes. Therefore, to keep costs down, I’d love to pursue any and all options as we move forward in preserving and displaying some of our more important and interesting documents!

It’s a short on this month, folks, so that’s all from me for now! I will catch you all in April with more updates!

For now, I’m History!

Steve Pozzato, Church Historian

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