Community Sings! Join us for a fun time singing - Feb. 7th!

Come as a stranger, leave as a friend

Greetings to all of you from the newly painted Pastor’s office. It is early morning, there is a fresh coat of snow on the ground, the sun if finally out and the view from the office windows is very beautiful.  This office is quickly becoming one of my favorite places to be!

January was a whirlwind, and the days are flying by. I have told several people how nice it is to have a job to love.  I was always very proud of working for Eversource and proud of the work we did to help the community, but I did not love it.  I continue to be touched by the level of commitment from all of our church members; this church thrives because of you.  I am so blessed to have been called to serve here.

By the time you read this we will be only a few weeks from Ash Wednesday and the beginning of Lent. Ash Wednesday service will be February 22nd at 7pm. I wanted to give people plenty of time to plan for  our Wednesday Lenten soup sinners beginning March 1 and going through the 29th. If you are like me, planning a month ahead is not unusual at all. This year we will hear the faith journeys of some of our church members. Storytelling is such a wonderful way for us to get to know each other, and when people share from their hearts they find a special place in our hearts.

Lenten line up: Wednesdays at 6pm

March 1                       Cathy Ferry
March 8                       Ben Moreland
March 15                     Rv. Barry McCarthy
March 22                     Nicole Smith
March 29                     Jessica and Steve Pozzato

I hope you will make a point of supporting our friends!

Gwen Lawson, our Christian Ed Director, will have activities available for the children. This is a great opportunity for parents and caregivers to skip making supper and enjoy some spiritual nourishment.

Many of us feel the need to give up something during the season of Lent, maybe this year add something, like our Lenten soup dinners.

May the Lord bless you and keep you,

Pastor Val

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