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Come as a stranger, leave as a friend

Pastoral Ponderings – September 2024

Keep these words that I am commanding you in your heart.

Recite them to your children and talk about them when you are at home

and when you are away. 

Deuteronomy 6:6-7

Will I see you in September or lose you to a summer love?

The Happenings

Many of us have different ideas about what Rally Day is and who it is for. In my faith tradition it was a call for all young people to come back to Sunday school. 

I no longer think Rally Day is just for the children, it is for all of us. We have a lot of events planned for adults in September as well. I know life gets very busy for parents this time of year (well all year); I am hopeful we will be an important part of your “busyness.”

Our new Christian Education Director, Elizabeth Kukich, and I are going to plan a monthly family worship. This means what is being taught downstairs will be preached upstairs. This may provide opportunities for parents and students to talk about what they learned. While driving the car, eating dinner, or doing everyday tasks, there may be opportunities to talk about the lesson. A child’s perspective can teach us quite a bit.

On September 11 at 6:30 p.m. in the Thienes Lounge, you (your friends and family too) are invited to hear guest speaker New York Times bestselling author Tessa Afshar, writer of historical fiction based on people we know from the Bible. Read more information about this special public event in this newsletter.

As the month of September closes, we will resurrect the Men’s Breakfast. Each month when I announce our Women’s Circle, I am painfully aware of the need to represent both sexes. The Men’s Breakfast will meet quarterly on a Saturday morning, then take on a project. This “light” project will be for church members or someone in the community. More details are provided in this newsletter as well. This group will be led by Steve Pozzato and Keith Davis with Scott Reid and Mike Seaver in the kitchen.

Don’t forget all of our regularly scheduled programming: Hebron Harvest Fair, Golf Tournament, Bible Studies, Women’s Circle, Dorcas Women’s Fellowship, and so much more.

See you in September!

Pastor Val

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One Response

  1. I totally agree with Pastor. I am amazed as I spend time with my (now) 4 yo grandson, the different perspective he has on the world and life. Rally Day is for children – reminding us we are all children, God’s children. We just need to remember the love we felt and knew when we were little – before life removed our innocence. “Let the children come to me, and do not stop them, for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs.” (Luke 18:16; Matthew 19:14). Let us all come to renew our child-like relationship with God and Jesus.

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