Community Sings! Join us for a fun time singing - Feb. 7th!

Come as a stranger, leave as a friend

Another summer is coming to a close, but as it is with life and all things, we will soon be entering a new season. That means many of the projects we’ve talked about in the past will soon be coming to life! Let’s dive right into a few of those items…

History Friday…happening weekly!

 As of September 1, 2023, the History Friday’s postings on the Playful Church Facebook page will be happening weekly. This means that you will have a chance to engage with the posts, photos, and other aspects of church history much more often. While there is some history attached from what I could find, the folks who remember the events, photos, etc. are able to tell the stories in the comments, meaning we are creating a living record of our experiences in the life of Marlborough Congregational. That’s invaluable, because while I might find some notes on an event, that means very little next to someone’s account who was actually there. So, if you are on Facebook and are connected to the Playful Church page, please do comment on those posts as they come up and share your story!

Interviews…we want to hear your story!

 If you were in church on August 27th or watched from home, you would have seen me announce that you’d be able to sign up for an interview to tell your story and to talk about your experiences, what you love, what you remember, what excited you in younger days, etc.! If you feel you’d like to share your story this way, a clipboard will be made available starting Sunday, September 3rd in the lounge for you to be able to sign up and include the best way to contact you.

Or, if you’d prefer to reach out via email or do not frequent the church, please feel free by emailing me at the email address below my name at the bottom. Your story will be a part of the books and make for relatable content for all of us to share and engage with! If you don’t wish to be interviewed but would prefer to write about an experience, I invite you to email your story to me or mail it to the church addressed ℅ Church Historian.  

Lots more to come

You’ll be hearing (or reading) about a lot more projects in the coming months, including updates from the History Committee and about other new projects. I’d also like to sincerely thank you all for being so engaging and supportive of telling the history of Marlborough Congregational Church! For now, though…

I’m History!

Steve Pozzato

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