Due to weather conditions, Church is Cancelled Sunday February 9th!

Come as a stranger, leave as a friend

“There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone, it is the same God at work.” 1 Corinthians 12:4-6

As summer winds down, I have found myself feeling like I did in Middle School, super excited about going back to school. I remember how much I enjoyed buying new notebooks, pencils, pens, and the zipper pencil holder that fastened into my three-ring binder. It was also the only time of year “us kids” were brought out to buy new clothes, shoes, and jackets.

After Middle school, I don’t remember being excited about going back to school. In High School I started to get nervous about going back. School became more about other things than actual learning. Peer pressure, boys, cars, work, thinking about college. Oh yeah, and I had to buy my own clothes!

My prayers for those starting High School.
I know God has placed me where I am meant to be because I am so excited for our time to “rally” back from summer. This week I will be shopping for a new notebook, some pens, and maybe even treat myself to a symbolic zipper pouch! I do not have to buy new clothes for this upcoming fall because now I wear a robe!

Here are a few of the things we can look forward to in the next couple of months: Hebron Harvest Fair, Rally Day, Golf Tournament, Apple Fest, (in that order). These events made me fall in love with this church. The spirit of volunteerism, the fun, the passion, the success in raising resources for the continued life of the church, were infectious!!

I am also excited about Sunday school. Jessica Pozzato will be shadowing Gwen Lawson as Gwen draws near to the time of leaving us. Gwen has thoughtfully and strategically put things in place for a smooth transition next year. Please consider volunteering for Sunday school to support this time of change and watch our most valuable resource continue to grow!

There are many other fun and easy ways to volunteer in the life of this church. Come, be part of a fun and loving community and know you are making a difference.
Pastor Val

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