Community Sings! Join us for a fun time singing - Feb. 7th!

Come as a stranger, leave as a friend

Bona fide: “In good faith, not counterfeit made with earnest intent, sincere”Merriam- Webster

In these days following my Installation, many of you may have heard me say “I feel bona fide.” Bonafide is a word made popular by one of my favorite movies, “Oh Brother, Where Art Thou?

I did not realize having an Installation would be so meaningful, but it has made me feel like the “real deal.” The Covenant between us was taken in good faith, and I am earnestly sincere in caring for our church family. Thank you to all who worked to bring this day together, and all who attended. I am very blessed to be your Pastor.

It seems we just put away the Christmas decorations and now we are preparing for Ash Wednesday, Lent and Easter. There is never a dull moment in the life of the church.

By the time you read this we will be only a few weeks from Ash Wednesday (on Valentine’s Day this year) and the beginning of Lent. This year we have added a “Mardi Gras” pancake supper to our lineup. On February 13 at 6 p.m. he youth group will make and serve pancakes (egg and gluten free available) so we can fill ourselves before Lent.  

I also want to give people plenty of time to plan for our Wednesday Lenten Soup Suppers beginning February 21 and going through March 20. If you are like me, planning a month ahead is not unusual. Once again we will hear faith journeys from our friends.  Storytelling is  a wonderful way to build relationships. When someone shares from their hearts, they find a special place in our hearts.

Lenten sharing line up:

  • February 21    Keith Davis
  • February 28    John and Stacy Henrickson
  • March 6          Cheryl Brodell
  • March 13        Mike Seaver
  • March 20        Michelle Sinkez

Gwen Lawson our Christian Education director has arranged for child care and activities for children.

I hope this season of Lent comes to you as a “spring cleaning for the soul.” Find ways to declutter your mind, to create space for all that is holy, take time to be alone to talk to God, to pray. Try to focus on the most random of your routines, eating, drinking, washing. If we focus on these simple things, we will invite the sacred into every corner of our lives and remember, the coming of Lent means the coming of spring and everything new!

Pastor Val

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